Re-registration 2024-2025

Promotion to the next year or repeaters

Re-registration for 2024/2025 is now open!

As last year, you can do this via your Aurion account.

Whether you are moving up to the next year, repeating a year, going on exchange to a partner university abroad or taking a gap year/optional year, you must re-register.

Please note that re-registration must be completed before the start of the academic year in September.

Any student who has not re-registered will not be able to access the campus.

If you are already registered at the School and are moving on to the next year or repeating a year, you must check that all the information you have entered is correct.

You must also pay and write down your 2024-2025 CVEC number. The CVEC must be renewed each year on this website

Once these steps have been completed, your registration for the 2024-2025 academic year will be finalised and you will be able to access – within 1 to 5 days – your 2024-2025 school attendance certificate in the « administrative documents » section of your Aurion account.

Questions & Answers

  • What is the CVEC?

All students registered in initial training at a higher education establishment must obtain a certificate of payment of the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC) before registering, either by payment or exemption. Please note that the name entered on the CVEC certificate (surname, first name) must be exactly the same as that given when registering at EM Normandie, for it to be accepted by our registration portal.

  • I am studying on an EM Normandie international campus (Dubai, Dublin, Oxford). Do I have to pay the CVEC?

Yes, even if you are studying on an international campus, you must pay the CVEC. As EM Normandie is a French school based abroad, it is subject to this contribution. You can choose the French campus of your choice to pay the CVEC (Caen, Le Havre or Clichy).

  • I am re-registering at the School. Do I need to sign a new « training contract »?

No, the « training contract » is multi-annual. It is signed only when the student registers for the first time at the School (« new entrant » student) and remains valid for the entire course at EM Normandie.

  • I’m moving abroad/expatriating. Do I have to re-register?

Yes, even if you go on a university exchange abroad as part of your course, you must re-register at the School, as you remain a student at EM Normandie. You must also pay the CVEC and tuition fees for the current year.

  • I’m doing a gap year (Optional Year). Do I have to re-register?

Yes, even if you decide to take a gap year (known as an « optional year »), you must re-register at the School and pay the CVEC. The tuition fee for an optional year is 1,000 euros.

  • I’m repeating a whole year/semester. What are the fees?

If you are repeating your entire year, you must pay 100% of the tuition fees for that year plus the CVEC.
If you are only repeating one semester (semester 1 or semester 2), you must pay 60% of the tuition fees for the year plus the CVEC.

  • I have a grant/scolarship. Which CROUS should I choose to apply?

Your scholarship application must be made to the « CROUS de Normandie« , select « l’Ecole de Management de Normandie » then choose the city of your admission campus: « Caen, Le Havre or Clichy ».

The Registration Department at your service

The School has set up an Registration Department with a dedicated telephone line and email address.

This service is also available to answer any questions you may have about the forthcoming academic year.

The service is available from June 20thMonday to Friday9AM to 5PM, until September 30th, 2024.

You can contact them on +33 2 31 46 71 82 or

Focus on work-study programmes

Would you like to join a work-study programme for the next academic year?

You have until August 23rd, 2024 to submit your « liaison document » to the administrative teams. If you do not find a work contract before this date, you will automatically be returned to the initial training programme.

As the number of places available on each campus is limited, the « first come, first served » rule applies. Please note that once maximum capacity has been reached on a campus, it will no longer be possible to enrol there, even if the work-study contract you have found takes place in the same city. No exceptions or negotiations will be possible.

Your useful contacts at the School

Do you have any questions? Contact the following departments: