Back to school site 2024/2025

Welcome to the back-to-school website!

What is the back to school website?

This is where you will find all the important information concerning your next school year: how to put together your application form, what to expect during your first week of the school year, how to find accommodation, how to finance your studies, how to find a work-study programme, life on campus and much more!

This site has been designed to be your privileged space where you can find all the practical information you need for your new school year, updated in real time.

Check it regularly and don’t hesitate to add it to your favourites!

International Accreditations

EM Normandie was awarded EQUIS accreditation for three years in 2016 by the EFMD (European Quality Improvement System) and this was renewed for the first time for three years at the end of 2019. Around 200 universities and Grandes Écoles business schools hold EQUIS accreditation around the world. Only 1% of business schools hold the EQUIS and AACSB dual accreditation.

In 2014, the School obtained the American AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation for five years. Following the renewal and assessment process, this accreditation was renewed for another five years in 2019.

Visa et Grade de licence

In 2021, the Bachelor International Management renewed its Bac+3 (French Baccalauréat plus 3 years of study) visa and obtained Bachelor’s Degree status in 2022, awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

The BBA – Bachelor in Business Administration renewed its Bac+4 (French Baccalauréat plus 4 years of study) visa and Bachelor’s Degree status in 2022, awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Visa et Grade Master

In 2020, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) renewed the Bac+5 visa and Master’s Degree status of the Master in Management (Programme Grande École) for a maximum duration of five years.

Visa et Grade Master

The two-year MSc Track obtained its Bac+5 visa in 2022, awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.


The CEFDG (Commission d’Évaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion) is the only competent national body for the assessment of courses provided by the business Grande Écoles recognised by the French state.


The RNCP (French National Directory of Professional Qualifications) lists all training courses and diplomas certified by the CNCP (French National Commission for Professional Certification). The certified title indicates the skills, abilities and knowledge necessary to carry out a profession or activity within a professional field. Under European naming conventions, certified titles are graded using levels (from level 3 for pre-Baccalauréat courses to level 8 for doctoral programmes).

EM Normandie courses leading to an RNCP-listed certified qualification:


EM Normandie holds the Qualiopi certification, which certifies the quality of the process implemented on its training courses. The certification recognises the School’s ability to identify and reconcile the expectations of beneficiaries and businesses as well as its teaching standards, the technical and supervisory resources it has implemented and its contribution to a process of continuous improvement.

The quality certification was issued under the following action types:

  • training actions;
  • apprenticeship training actions.


EM Normandie is a member of the business schools chapter of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE), which brings together 38 major French management schools recognised by the state and authorised to issue a Bac+5 qualification conferring a Master’s degree. In France and abroad, these schools represent the benchmark in their fields of education.


In 2010, EM Normandie joined the Union des Grandes Écoles Indépendantes (UGEI) as an associate member and then as a full member in 2012. The UGEI brings together 36 major engineering and management schools issuing state-recognised Master’s degrees.


Since 2016, EM Normandie has held the Private Higher Education Institution with a Public Interest (EESPIG) label, awarded by the French Ministry of Higher education, Research and Innovation. It recognises EM Normandie as a non-profit higher education institution that serves the public in the areas of higher education and research.


EM Normandie has been the holder of the BSIS (Business School Impact System) accreditation since 2013. This framework, run as a joint venture by the FNEGE (National Foundation for Business Administration Education) and the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), measures the financial, economic and intellectual impacts a school has on its surroundings, given its particular characteristics and role.