Financing my education

Terms of payment, funding and grants

Terms of payment

There are two methods of payment:

  • Bank transfer
  • Direct debit

These two payment methods offer two payment options:

1) Payment by cycle: payment in advance for the entire course

  • The Bachelor of International Management is a 3-year course
  • The BBA is a 4-year course
  • The Grande École Programme consists of a 3-year cycle and a 2-year cycle

2) Payment by academic year: payment (due in September) for the coming academic year

Payment by bank transfer

Transfer payment options must be completed by the end of September. Discounts are available for early payment for the whole course. EM Normandie offers two options for payment by bank transfer:

1) Global transfer: payment for the entire course

  • In 1 instalment for the amount of a 4-year cycle with a 5% discount
  • In 1 instalment for the amount of a 3-year cycle with a 4% discount
  • In 1 instalment for a 2-year cycle

2) Annual transfer: payment per school year

  • In 1 instalment per school year concerned

Payment by direct debit

Direct debits are only available in the SEPA zone. If no bank account is available in this area, you must select the ‘Transfer’ payment method.

Direct debit payment options must be completed before the end of September. Discounts are available for early payment for the whole course.

EM Normandie offers several direct debit payment options:

1) Direct debit: payment for the entire course

  • In 1 instalment for the amount of a 4-year cycle with a 5% discount
  • In 1 instalment for the amount of a 3-year cycle with a 4% discount
  • In 1 instalment for a 2-year cycle

2) Annual direct debit: payment per school year

  • In 1 instalment per school year concerned
  • In 5 instalments per school year (due on 28 September, 28 November, 28 January, 28 March and 28 May)
For more information, contact the Finance department:
EM Normandie

Finance department
For more information, contact The Registrations Department
EM Normandie

Registrations Department


Having trouble managing your budget? A change in your situation is disrupting your regular bill payments? Do you have complex administrative procedures to complete and need help? Can’t make ends meet?

Whatever the financial difficulties you are experiencing, do not isolate yourself: these situations can happen to anyone and together we can identify potential solutions.

As soon as your financial problems appear, do not hesitate to contact our social worker Maryline RAGOT by email: or by appointment according to her presence on campus. She will be able to identify possible ways to improve your situation and accompany you in all the necessary steps, in complete confidentiality.

EM Normandie also offers various grants to help you finance your studies as well as emergency assistance for the most difficult times.

A platform allows you to submit your application directly online:

EM Normandie and its Foundation finance social scholarships thanks to the generosity of its many donors in order to promote equal opportunities and social diversity within the School.

EM Normandie students can benefit from 3 types of grants or financial aid thanks to the Student Social Fund (FSE):

  • A “Méritant Scolaire” scholarship: this is a reduction in tuition fees for scholarship students (minimum level 1) who obtained an average of more than 14/20 in each semester during their previous academic year at the École. Please note, however, that you can only apply for this grant in semester 1 of your current year.
  • A “Life contingency” grant: this is a reduction in tuition fees for students who have suffered a life contingency since they entered EM Normandie (death of a parent, loss of employment, illness, etc.). This grant is awarded in addition to legal social aid to cover tuition fees.
  • An “Emergency Aid” for students of the School in critical financial situation (medical, food or housing emergency).

Despite the financial problems, keep in mind that a good budget is a budget to anticipate. To help you build your financing plan, don’t hesitate to use our dedicated platform.

For more information, contact the Balance and Inclusion department:
EM Normandie

Balance and Inclusion department

The CROUS scholarship :

  • Test your eligibility
  • If you become a CROUS grant holder, you will receive a conditional grant notification which will become definitive when the CROUS receives your proof of enrolment.
  • To receive your grant, the CROUS notification must be sent to the HUB department for validation as part of your administrative registration (see “My financial and administrative registration”) or by email (if your registration file has already been finalised).

For new entrants, you must apply for a grant from the CROUS de Normandie, select the École de Management de Normandie then choose the city of your admission campus: Caen, Le Havre or Clichy.

For more information, click here.

For more information, contact The HUB :
EM Normandie